Ethics. Uncompromising integrity, honesty, and fairness are at the heart of our company. Excellence. We set high standards. We apply advanced technology, and we continually innovate and improve. We thrive on challenge and accomplishment. Fair Return. We earn a return that fairly rewards the value we deliver. Mutual Respect. Which encourage openness, teamwork, and trust. We value an inclusive culture based on diverse backgrounds, experience, and views. Safety. Zero accidents are our unwavering goal-people's lives depend on it. Sustain ability. We plan and act for the future-for the long-term good of our Company, our customers, and our world.
Vision + Values 2030 Our Vision for the Future.
People will be proud to work at QTCEC. We will create opportunities to achieve the extraordinary, and we will reward success. Communities will regard us as responsible and responsive. We will integrate global and local perspectives, promote sound management of resources, and contribute to a better quality of life. Strategic Partners the Vendors & Partners us Work with Management Team Our Company Leaders. Achieve Performance Excellence and Create Standards.